Demarchi Danilo
Full Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications.
Micro&Nano Electronics, Smart System Integration and IoTs for the AgriFood Value Chain and for BioMedical Devices.
Visiting Professor at EPFL Lausanne (2019) and at Tel Aviv University (2018-2021).
Visiting Scientist (2018) at MIT and Harvard Medical School for the project SISTER (Smart electronic IoT SysTEms for Rehabilitation sciences).
Author and co-author of 5 patents and more than 300 scientific publications in international journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
Leading the eLiONS (electronic Life-Oriented iNtelligent Systems – http://elions.polito.it) Laboratory of Politecnico di Torino and coordinating the Italian Institute of Technology Microelectronics group at Politecnico di Torino (IIT@DET).
Founder and Editor in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics – TAFE (https://ieee-cas.org/publication/ieee-transactions-agrifood-electronics).
Founder and General-Co-Chair of the IEEE Conference on AgriFood Electronics – CAFE (https://2023.iee-cafe.org).
Founder and Vice-Chair of the IEEE CAS Special Interest Group on AgriFood Electronics.
2023-2024 Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE CAS Society with the Lecture “Let the Plants Do the Talking: Smart Agriculture by the messages received from Plants and Soil”.
Member of the IEEE Sensors Council and the BioCAS Technical Committee. Associate Editor of the IEEE Open Journal on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJ-EMB) and the Springer-Nature Journal BioNanoScience. Senior Member of IEEE.
General Chair of IEEE BioCAS (Biomedical Circuits and Systems) Conference in 2017 in Torino and founder of IEEE FoodCAS Workshop (Circuits and Systems for the FoodChain). TPC Co-Chair of IEEE ICECS 2019, IEEE BioCAS 2021 and IEEE BioCAS 2022 conferences. General Co-Chair of IEEE BioCAS 2023.
Keynote Talks at LASCAS23 (Quito, Ecuador), ASICON23 (Nanjing, China) and the IEEE Online Forum on Climate Change Technologies (Oct 23).
Organizer of the 3rd Seasonal School on AgriFood Electronics: Smart Technologies for a Sustainable Agriculture in Torino, September 2022.
E-mail: danilo.demarchi@polito.it