Versatile Bio-inspired Edge-computing Devices
In recent years, thanks to significant advancements in developing bio-electronic systems, monitoring the relevant features related to human motion (e.g., skeletal muscle activity, body kinematics) is opening novel possibilities in assistive and rehabilitation technologies.
In this context, the core of this research activity is to design and develop low-power intelligent wearable devices to assess and process body movements during daily-life actions. Indeed, the sensors’ fusion of surface ElectroMyoGraphy (sEMG) and Inertial Tracking (IMU) data implemented on edge-computing modules, combined with bio-inspired processing techniques (e.g., the event-driven Average Threshold Crossing – ATC), allows the realization of custom multi-channel systems featuring a robust detection of human activities with minimal energy requirements, thus extending their functional operating time up to weeks.
Starting from these systems, different biomedical applications associated with human movement are possible. On one side, the computing capabilities of the edge nodes can be involved in body gesture recognition, constituting a human-machine interface able to control different actuators and capable of being embedded into game-rehabilitation scenarios. On the other hand, the low power consumption and small design of the devices allow them to be worn under normal clothing, thus spreading their involvement in rehabilitation and long-term monitoring scenarios, both in a lab and outdoor environments

Keywords: Bio-inspired Electronics, Smart Wearable Systems, Surface Electromyography, Edge-computing Networks, Ultra Low-Power Electronics
Further Material: Gallery
- F. Rossi, A. Mongardi, P. Motto Ros, M. Ruo Roch, M. Martina and D. Demarchi, “Tutorial: A Versatile Bio-Inspired System for Processing and Transmission of Muscular Information,” in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 20, pp. 22285-22303, 15 Oct.15, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3103608.
- A. Mongardi, F. Rossi, E. Pellegrino, P. Motto Ros, M. Ruo Roch and M. Martina, “Low Latency Protocols Investigation for Event-Driven Wireless Body Area Networks,” 2021 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Berlin, Germany, 2021, pp. 01-06, doi: 10.1109/BioCAS49922.2021.9644953.
- P. Motto Ros, A. Sanginario, M. Crepaldi and D. Demarchi, “Quality-Energy Trade-off and Bio-Inspired Electronic Systems,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on the Science of Electrical Engineering in Israel (ICSEE), Eilat, Israel, 2018, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICSEE.2018.8646112.
- Rossi, F., Motto Ros, P., Sapienza, S., Bonato, P., Bizzi, E., Demarchi, D. (2019). Wireless Low Energy System Architecture for Event-Driven Surface Electromyography. In: Saponara, S., De Gloria, A. (eds) Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment and Society. ApplePies 2018. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 573. Springer, Cham.
- D. A. Fernandez Guzman, S. Sapienza, B. Sereni and P. Motto Ros, “Very low power event-based surface EMG acquisition system with off-the-shelf components,” 2017 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Turin, Italy, 2017, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/BIOCAS.2017.8325152.
- S. Sapienza, M. Crepaldi, P. Motto Ros, A. Bonanno and D. Demarchi, “On Integration and Validation of a Very Low Complexity ATC UWB System for Muscle Force Transmission,” in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 497-506, April 2016, doi: 10.1109/TBCAS.2015.2416918.

Landra Nicolò
Ph.D. Student - Biomedical Systems

Mongardi Andrea
Ph.D. Student - Biomedical Systems

Motto Ros Paolo
Assistant Professor - Biomedical Systems

Prestia Andrea
Ph.D. Student - Biomedical Systems