Lo Vecchio Sara
Sara Lo Vecchio is a Biorobotics PhD student of the 38th cycle enrolled at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, with an ongoing collaboration with the eLiONs laboratory.
She received her Bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering at Politecnico di Torino in 2019, taking part to the “Young Talents” Program for valuable engineering students. In between 2018 and 2019 she took part to the Erasmus+ Program at Universidad Politècnica de Madrid. In 2019 she did a 3-months training at Officina Ortopedica “Maria Adelaide” in Torino for 3D CAD modeling and printing of prosthetic hand supports. Through the TOP-UIC Double-degree Program, she got a Master degree in Mechatronic Engineering cum laude at Politecnico di Torino and a Master degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering at University of Illinois at Chicago with 4.0/4 GPA in 2021. In 2021 she worked at Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago for the development of an active knee exoskeleton for cerebral palsy treatment in children.
In 2022 she started working at Translational Neural Engineering laboratory held by Professor Silvestro Micera on the project “Embedded Artificial Intelligence for real-time control of neuroprostheses”, which is carried out in collaboration with Professor Demarchi from June 2023. Her current activities are focused on:
- Peripheral nervous system signal analysis from spiking activity and through AI algorithms;
- In-vivo studies for recording and stimulation of the pudendal nerve;
- Embedding AI online decoders;
- Closed-loop strategies for adaptive stimulation.
E-mail: sara.lovecchio@polito.it
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